Searching by store name and receiving a list of stores with matching names (Node.js)

In this use case, the user types the name of a seller that he wants to buy from. This usually happens when the user knows the store is open and also has the items he

Viewing the catalog of a provider (Node.js)

In this use case, the user usually clicks on a store to view its product catalog Code snippets Client calls the BAP server to trigger search:"/local_retail/view_provider_catalog", viewProviderCatalog); async function viewProviderCatalog({ body }, res) {

Searching by product price range and receiving a list of items whose price falls in that range (Node.js)

In this use case, the user enters the price range before searching for a product. This can be combined with any other use case that results in a list of items Code snippets Client calls

Searching by pharmacy name and receiving a list of pharmacies with matching names (Node.js)

In this use case, the user types the name of a pharmacy that he wants to buy from. This usually happens when the user knows the pharmacy is open and also has the items he

Viewing the catalog of a pharmacy (Node.js)

In this use case, the user usually clicks on a pharmacy to view its pharmaceutical product catalog Code snippets Client calls the BAP server to trigger search:"/health_pharmacy/view_provider_catalog", viewProvideCatalog); async function viewProvideCatalog({ body }, res)

Searching by product price range and receiving a list of pharmaceutical items whose price falls in that range (Node.js)

In this use case, the user enters the price range before searching for a pharmaceutical product. This can be combined with any other use case that results in a list of items Code snippets Client

Searching by product name and receiving a list of pharmaceutical items that match the name (Node.js)

In this use case, the user types the name of a pharmaceutical product on a search bar and expects a list of items whose names match his search. This usually happens when there is just

Searching by product name and receiving list of pharmacies that sell matching items (Node.js)

In this use case, the user types the name of a pharmaceutical product on a search bar and expects a list of stores that sell the items matching his search. This sort of result appears

Viewing a pharmaceutical product (Node.js)

In this use case, the user clicks on a pharmaceutical product to see its details on his app Code snippets Client calls the BAP server to trigger search:"/health_pharmacy/search_by_item_id", searchByItemId); async function searchByItemId({ body },

Searching by SKU code and receiving pharmaceutical item details (Node.js)

In this use case, the user usually scans a barcode on an item to see its details Code snippets Client calls the BAP server to trigger search:"/health_pharmacy/search_by_sku_code", searchBySkuCode); async function searchBySkuCode({ body }, res)