Adding an add-on to an item and receiving an updated quote (Node.js)

In this use case, the user adds an optional add-on to a particular product in the cart. This is generally useful in the case of restaurants where the user is allowed additional customization on individual

Adding a pharmaceutical item to the cart and receiving an updated quote (Node.js)

In this use case, the user wants to add an item to his cart. This usually results in the pharmacy blocking that item in his inventory for a limited period of time at af fixed

Selecting diagnostic services and receiving an updated quote (Node.js)

In this use case, the user selects a few tests from the service catalog of the diagnostic center and receives a quote for the services Code snippets Client calls the BAP server to trigger select:

Selecting a consultation option and receiving an updated quote (Node.js)

In this use case, the user selects a search result and expects a consultation fee. Code snippets Client calls the BAP server to trigger select:"/healthcare_consultation/select_consultation", selectConsultation); async function selectConsultation({ body }, res) { try

Selecting a mobility option and getting the updated quote for the same (Node.js)

In this use case, the user selects a mobility option and receives the fare for the same Code snippets Client calls the BAP server to trigger select:"/mobility/select_mobility", selectMobility); async function selectMobility({ body }, res)

Applying an offer on a mobility service and getting discounted fare (Node.js)

In this use case, the user applies an offer on a mobility service and receives a discounted fare Code snippets Client calls the BAP server to trigger select:"/mobility/apply_offer", applyOffer); async function applyOffer({ body },

Adding an offer the cart and receiving a discounted quote (Node.js)

In this use case, the user applies an offer to a cart to avail a discount on a particular item or the total cart value. This offer is usually entered by the user as a

Adding an item to the cart and receiving an updated quote (Node.js)

In this use case, the user wants to add an item to his cart. This usually results in the seller blocking that item in his inventory for a limited period of time at af fixed

Selecting a mobility option and getting the updated quote for the same (Java)

In this use case, the user selects a mobility option and receives the fare for the same Code snippets Client calls the BAP server to trigger select: @PostMapping("/mobility/select_mobility") public ResponseEntity selectMobility( @RequestHeader HttpHeaders headers, @RequestBody

Applying an offer on a mobility service and getting discounted fare (Java)

In this use case, the user applies an offer on a mobility service and receives a discounted fare Code snippets Client calls the BAP server to trigger select: @PostMapping("/mobility/apply_offer") public ResponseEntity applyOffer( @RequestHeader HttpHeaders headers,