Removing an item from an active order and receiving updated order with refund terms (Node.js)

In this use case, the user removes one or more items after the order has been confirmed. If the user has already made the payment, the seller sends refund terms that the user needs to

Updating billing details of an active order (Node.js)

In this use case, the user sometimes updates the billing details of the order after the order has been placed. The seller then updates the order with the new billing details and sends back the

Updating shipping details of an active order and receiving updated order with payment terms (Node.js)

In this use case, the user sometimes updates the shipping details of the order after the order has been placed. Usually, a pharmacy does not allow the user to update the shipping details, but in

Removing a pharmaceutical item from an active order and receiving updated order with refund terms (Node.js)

In this use case, the user removes one or more items after the order has been confirmed. If the user has already made the payment, the pharmacy sends refund terms that the user needs to

Adding a pharmaceutical item to an active order and receiving updated order with payment terms (Node.js)

In this use case, the user adds one or more items after the order has been confirmed. If the user has already made the payment, the pharmacy sends additional payment terms that the user needs

Updating a pharmaceutical item’s quantity on an active order and receiving updated order with payment terms (Node.js)

In this use case, the user changes the quantity of one or more items after the order has been confirmed. If the user has already made the payment, the pharmacy sends additional payment terms that

Updating billing details of an active order (Node.js)

In this use case, the user sometimes updates the billing details of the order after the order has been placed. The pharmacy then updates the order with the new billing details and sends back the

Updating billing details of an active diagnostic service order (Node.js)

In this use case, the user or the diagnostic service provider updates the details of the diagnostic service like uploading the report, updating billing details, services etc Code snippets Client calls the BAP server to

Reschedule a consultation appointment and receiving the updated order with payment terms (Node.js)

In this use case, the user reschedules the appointment and receives terms of payment if applicable, Code snippets Client calls the BAP server to trigger Update:"/healthcare_consultation/reschedule_appointment", rescheduleAppointment); async function rescheduleAppointment({ body }, res) {

Updating billing details of an active consultation service order (Node.js)

In this use case, the user updates the details of an active consultation like the patient’s billing details, or add a test report, or change the appointment slot (if the consultation has not started) etc.