Sending the schedule for a fixed-route, scheduled mobility service provider (example: Metro and Buses) (Node.js)

In this use case, the user views the schedule or time-table for a fixed route mobility service provider like a bus service, or a metro service Code snippets BPP receives protocol search /* Example Request

Sending details of the services of a multi-mode mobility service provider (Node.js)

In this use case, the user usually clicks on a mobility service provider that offers transport services via multiple modes of transport to view the various services it offers. The mobility service provider, usually returns

Sending details of the service of a single-mode mobility service provider (Node.js)

In this use case, the user usually clicks on a mobility service provider to view the service it offers. The mobility service provider, usually returns the details of the mobility service with its fare policy

Calculate the fare for a mobility service provider based on distance between a pickup and drop location (Node.js)

In this use case, the user provides his pickup and drop location to a mobility service provider to get the calculated fare Code snippets BPP receives protocol search /* Example Request JSON: { "context": {

Sending the details of providers of a mobility service aggregator (Node.js)

In this use case, the user views the mobility services of an aggregator. The aggregator is usually a BPP that has multiple providers in its catalog. So it returns the mobility services Code snippets BPP

Sending the fare products of a mobility service (Node.js)

In this use case, the user views the various fare products a mobility service provider offers. Fare products are various offerings on a particular service like "Monthly Pass", "Single Journey Adult Ticket", "Return Ticket", "Day

Receiving a traveller’s pickup and drop location and sending a list of mobility service providers (Node.js)

In this use case, the user searches for mobility service providers that offer their service from a pickup location to a drop location Code snippets BPP receives protocol search /* Example Request JSON: { "context":

Receiving a traveller’s pickup location and sending a list of mobility service providers (Node.js)

In this use case, the user searches for nearby mobility service providers around the traveller’s pickup location Code snippets BPP receives protocol search /* Example Request JSON: { "context": { "domain": "nic2004:60221", "country": "IND", "city":

Receiving a search intent based on store name and sending a list of stores with matching names (Node.js)

In this use case, the user types the name of a seller that he wants to buy from. This usually happens when the user knows the store is open and also has the items he

Sending the catalog of a provider (Node.js)

In this use case, the user usually clicks on a store to view its product catalog Code snippets BPP receives protocol search /* Example Request JSON: { "context": { "domain": "local_retail", "country": "IND", "city": "std:080",